Top 45 Agriculture Apps
February 27, 2023, 11:59 am
Today, in the 21st century, applications (apps) are the new frontier in technology. An application is a software program that's designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program.
Apps have been designed to perform all types of functions and are used in all manner of human endeavor including agriculture and farming. However, with the millions of apps being created every day, it’s hard to distinguish the gems from the hard rocks!
This post seeks to sift through all the noise and identify the gems in agriculture apps. What follows is a compilation of the top 45 agricultural apps that anyone interested or involved in agriculture and farming should know about and have on their devices.
This list of agriculture and farming apps has been classified into five categories, according to the functions and services they render, so that you can easily navigate through them and discovers the apps that best meet your most pressing agribusiness needs.
The apps in this category give you information and services about the weather.
- Climate FieldView
Climate FieldView™ is an app that offers a comprehensive, connected suite of digital agricultural tools to help you optimize resources and maximize yield. It uses real-time and historical crop and weather data, and delivers customized insights that help you make important agronomic decisions with confidence.
This app is developed by the Climate Corporation whose Climate FieldView™ platform combines hyper-local weather monitoring, agronomic modeling, and high-resolution weather simulations to deliver Climate FieldView products and mobile SaaS solutions that help farmers improve profitability by making better informed operating and financing decisions.
Climate FieldView™ Prime (free) provides simple tools for timely decision making such as:
- Monitor current field-level weather to make daily operating decisions
- Capture geo-located photos and share with trusted advisors to scout more proficiently
- Receive daily weather alerts to help you plan your day more efficiently
- A snapshot view of your entire operation on one screen to better understand what is happening in each of your fields at once; making it easy to prioritize across your entire operation
When combined with the analytical tools available in Climate FieldView™ Pro, it provides field-level agronomic insights driven by data science which helps to:
- Address yield-robbing issues with in-season and historical field imaging
- Simply and easily create variable rate hybrid scripts to increase productivity
- Monitor nitrogen levels with advanced tools that provide insights to help you manage your operation more efficiently and make application decisions with confidence
- Atmos
Atmos is an easy to use and stunningly beautiful weather app for your iPhone and Apple Watch. Atmos has been carefully crafted to bring the most vital weather data to you in the most user-friendly way possible so you can get what you need and get on with your day.
Atmos allows you to dig deep into the weather forecast when you need to, but always remains easy to use. The app has been thoughtfully designed to ensure that Atmos can bring you as much information as possible, without overwhelming you in the process.
The end result is that you can find everything you need to know about the weather for right now, over the next few hours, and for the week, all with a few swipe.
Features and Highlights
• Elegant and simple forecasts make planning for the day ahead fast and easy.
• The "Today Widget" gives you quick access to the current weather wherever you are without even having to open the app.
• Location tiles give you a quick glance at weather in multiple places for easy comparisons of the weather all around the world.
• Traveling? Use Atmos intuitive sharing capabilities to brag to your friends back home.
• Every forecast has a hand crafted theme to match the feel of the weather outside.
• Atmos for Apple Watch gives you the perfect companion to your iPhone with a slimmed down look for quick on the go use.
- FarmHedge.io
FarmHedge app provides farmers with two useful pieces of information. First, it uses current and forecasted weather information for the user's farm location to create a set of weather messages that are in clear text and can be used to guide farmers’ activities on their farm. Second, it allows farmers to book the delivery of farm inputs such as feed, fertilizer and animal health products. Booking on the app coordinates the activities of individual farmers within a locality and because of this it reduces the cost of delivering the farm input.
The supplier of the farm input passes these cost reductions to the farmers by reducing the price of the product.
Features and Highlights
Weather Alerts
The FarmHedge app uses your farm’s location to create a set of weather alerts relating to Grass Growth, Environment & Safety, Harvesting, Fertilising & Seeding and Animal Health. It combines the best hourly and ten-day weather forecasts with your farm’s 10-year weather history to create useful alerts that can guide your activities for the coming day as well as the next ten days.
Booking Inputs
By helping local farmers to coordinate their buying decisions, FarmHedge can reduce input costs for suppliers and these savings are passed to farmers as a discount on input prices. Over the coming months, it will be possible for farmers to book inputs such as feed, fertilizer and animal health products from their regular suppliers on the FarmHedge app. Once booked, the product will be either delivered to your farm or you will collect it from your supplier.
- Storm
Storm by Weather Underground uses high definition radar, advanced storm cell tracking, severe weather outlooks and real-time severe weather alerts to make this a good app to have by your side when weather is closing in. It helps you to view current conditions, daily or hourly forecasts at a glance and in a more detailed view.
Features and Highlights
Interactive Map
• Radar: The highest resolution (250m) radar showing interactive animations for past and future data
• Single site sweeping radar: get near real-time data from each radar site. Choose the radar site nearest your current location and view real-time reports on reflectivity and velocity.
• Global Radar: An experimental radar layer with worldwide coverage. It combines existing radar data with a computer model proxy when data is not available.
• Storm Tracks: Storm Tracks utilize the most advanced severe weather algorithms to provide a detailed analysis of an impending storm. This includes a storm strength rating, detailed components of the storm (such as wind, hail, lightning, and tornadoes), the speed and direction of the storm, populated cities in its path, the precipitation rate, and much more.
• Severe Outlooks: See the overall severe weather threat for the next 3 days with details available by tapping on any risk level visible on the map.
• Lightning: View lightning 100 miles around your selected location (Continental US only)
• More: Full screen map with customizable data layers including: animated surface and jet stream level winds, earthquakes, fronts, tropical data, severe weather alerts, and more
- Dark Sky
Dark Sky can tell you at a glance exactly when it will rain (or snow) up to an hour in advance, so you’re free to walk your dog or run out to lunch and know you’ll stay dry. You can also explore the most beautiful weather animation you’ve ever seen, both forward in time or back.
Dark Sky is an accurate source of hyperlocal weather information. With down-to-the-minute forecasts, you’ll know exactly when the rain will start or stop, right where you're standing.
Features and Highlights
Hyperlocal Forecasts
Dark Sky uses state-of-the-art technology to predict when it will rain or snow, down to the minute, at your exact location: it delivers hyperlocal forecasts, not just for your city or state, but right where you're standing. Whether it's rain starting in 15 minutes, or a snow storm this weekend, it will give you the detailed information you need.
Many Kinds of Notifications
Dark Sky has several different ways to notify you of important weather conditions. Precise down-to-the-minute notifications alert you whenever rain or snow is about to start. Severe weather alerts inform you of dangerous conditions. Custom alerts let you create your own weather notifications. You can even schedule a daily summary forecast to be delivered right to your lock screen every morning.
Beautiful Maps
Watch weather patterns evolve globally or right down in your neighborhood, in Dark Sky's stunningly smooth map simulations. Pull storms back and forth through time — and into the future — to see what the weather has in store for you.
Homegrown Weather Service
Dark Sky has built a weather service from scratch, specifically for the app. As an independent service, they have the freedom to innovate and experiment with new ways of analyzing the weather.
- Fresh Air Weather
Fresh Air gives you a weather graph, notifications and calendar for your existing events. It is a beautiful and intuitive way to see the weather and immediately understand what it means for your plans.
Fresh Air Weather conveys 7 days of minute-by-minute weather in a beautiful minimalistic graph. It also shows you the predicted weather for your calendar events with optional notification updates.
Features and Highlights
• U.S. NOAA Weather radar map
• Beautiful and intuitive visualizations of temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity, sunrise, sunset, and more
• Seven day minute-by-minute interactive weather graph
• Severe weather warnings (storm warnings)
• Calendar integration that simplifies your weather experience. Import your existing calendar entries to see the predicted weather for your events.
• Daily weather notifications for your current location.
• Schedule weather notifications for calendar events. If you have an upcoming weather-dependent event, Fresh Air will keep you updated on the conditions.
• An iOS8 Today Extension for quickly seeing weather and calendar information.
Weather data includes:
• Temperature, precipitation likelihood and amount, wind, humidity, sunrise/sunset times, “feels like”, cloud cover, snow accumulation and more
• Celsius/Fahrenheit
- Weather Pro
WeatherPro for iPad was created by MeteoGroup, Europe’s leading private weather company. This weather app offers high-quality, detailed information, clearly visualized in an easy-to-read interface.
Features and Highlights
• 7-day forecast data in periods of 3 hours
• Weather reports for 2 million worldwide locations
• Comprehensive detail on temperature, wind direction/ speed, air pressure, precipitation amount/ probability, relative humidity, UV index, feels like temperature and more
• Worldwide alerts and warning levels for extreme weather
• Unlimited favourite locations synchronizable via iCloud
• Connection to Netatmo personal weather stations
• Global satellite and animated radar for the USA, Australia and much of Europe
• Additional features like: widget, weather news etc.
• Ski Weather
• No adverts
Weather Pro also offer an optional premium service which is perfect for if you have specific weather interests, for sports, holidays or more:
• 14-day forecasts in hourly periods
• Precipitation type radar for Europe, radar forecasts, heat maps, lightning strikes, cloud cover forecasts, etc.
• Beach Weather and more
- Weathertron
Weathertron app gives you a live infographic of the entire day’s weather so you can see exactly what to expect from every hour of the day — clouds, rain, snow, and temps — on one screen. It's powered by 16 different weather data sources, statistically aggregated and weighted, so you always have the most accurate results for your location. Weathertron makes it dead simple to plan your whole day around the weather.
Features and Highlights
— Unique 24-hour weather visualizations for today and tomorrow
— 7-day forecast visual report and narrative summary
— Weather forecasts for over 15,000 cities around the world
— Advanced aggregated data using 16 different weather models
— Choose between Fahrenheit and Celsius and 12-hour or 24-hour time
The apps in this category provide information and services for farm animal health and productivity.
- Tambero Free Cattle Manager
This app aims to improve your farming operation by helping you manage your animals and plots, inseminations, health events, feed rations, milk production, fattening, heat detection and stress levels through a completely visual environment especially designed to make your job easier. It also includes a customized weather forecast for your farm location.
Tambero.com farm software includes a complete animal database support, with different species of livestock such as cows, goats, buffalos, sheeps, camels and llamas.
Features and Highlights
Farm management
- Easy to use cattle software with modern design.
- Free livestock software in your computer, tablet or smartphone.
- Import your animals from Excel spreadsheets in seconds.
- Manage parcels of land with satellite maps.
- Use QR Codes to track parcels and crops.
- Manage and publish your genetics.
- Projected births and production.
- Set up monitoring and alerts.
- Identify your livestock by icons.
- View a customized weather forecast.
Livestock management
- Complete animal database.
- Ear tag/RP Number, pedigree, breed.
- Weighing and body gain records.
- Health record.
- Vaccination plan.
- Lactation history.
- Breeding status and alerts.
- Best breeders.
- Required herd movements.
- Weaning alerts.
Dairy management
- Record your dairy milkings.
- Improve your heat detection.
- Import your data from Excel files.
- Use RFID tags.
- Compare average herd production.
- See your herd historical records.
- Set up alerts and desired performance.
- Identify top producers.
- Project potential yields.
- Manage your feed rations.
- Analyze the stress levels.
- Vet Africa
Loss of livestock and inaccurate data capture is a massive issue across Africa. Vet Africa helps you record animal data and receive diagnostic advice and guidance about suitable treatment. Vet Africa was designed to be a decision support system for proficient farmers, animal health workers and veterinary professionals.
Vet Africa works in two ways, firstly it provides information so that farmers are able to diagnose and treat their animals themselves. Secondly, it can also be used to help the vets and other animal health workers, as farmers can provide them with the data they have collected, which means they are better prepared with the right resources when going out to rural areas.
The app deals with diseases that are most prevalent in East Africa, mainly Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda, as over 80% of people in this region are involved with agriculture in some way. Diseases covered by this app include:
• Anaplasmosis
• Babesiosis
• Cowdriosis
• Fasciolosis
• Parasitic Gastroenteritis
• Schistosomosis
• Theileriosis
• Trypanosomosis
Vet Africa was designed to work offline and syncs data when appropriate.
- Livestock Intake Calculator for Supplements
This app created by Crystalyx seeks to put better nutrition management in the palm of your hand.
This app helps you to calculate:
- supplement intake (general and detailed)
- supplement cost per head, per day
- estimated date of supplement replacement
- MSUES Cattle Calculator
This Cattle Calculator app, developed by Missipisi State University Extension Services, allows beef cattle producers to make quick everyday calculations important for their operations. Calculations related to reproductive management, animal performance, and management decisions are available.
Reproductive calculations include:
- Calving date based on a known breeding date
- Breeding date based on a known calving date
- Number of days pregnant based on today’s date and a breeding date
- Breeding season calculator which provides calving and breeding dates based on a set breeding season.
Animal performance calculations include:
- Adjusted birth weight
- Weaning weight
- Yearling weight
- Average daily gain
- Required gain.
Management calculations include:
- Dosage calculations for dewormers
- Medicines given an animal weight and manufacturer’s recommended dosage,
- Frame score calculations,
- Trailer stocking density and yield grade.
- MooMonitor+
The MooMonitor+ app provides information on a cow's behaviour by showing the heat related activity detected and measured by the MooMonitor+ wearable sensor being worn by the cow. This information includes daily and hourly activity data for animal behaviour as well as alerts highlighting cow health and fertility events. The MooMonitor+ app allows users to review all the information being gathered on their herd easily and conveniently.
- Beef Cow BCS
Created by cattle nutrition leader CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements, this Body Condition Score app for cattle gives producers a convenient way to track both cattle and pastures. All you have to do is photograph a cow, enter the ear tag and optionally assign it to a pasture. Compare the shot to reference photos provided for each score (or supply your own), and assign a score to the cow. The date and location are automatically recorded (if you allow GPS service). The app allows you to organize and track cows individually or by pasture, view stats on animals and pastures over time, and export data in CSV format via email.
- NUBeef
NUBeef-BCS, developed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln, is an application developed to assist beef producers in managing nutrition programs for beef cattle. Body Condition Scoring (BCS) is used to describe the relative fatness of a cow based on a nine point scoring system. The BCS system allows producers to visually assess their herd with a number system that objectively describes the condition, or fat reserve of an animal.
- Farmeron.com
The Farmeron mobile app is designed specifically for current Farmeron web solution users. Farmeron helps you manage your farm in the barn, not the office, where you need them the most. Synchronization between your iOS device and the Farmeron cloud means that all of your data is automatically updated. Multiple users can manage the same animals, lists, and events.
Features and Highlights
Calf management
- Costs – Track all events from birth to first calving to analyze your heifer raising costs. Know exactly when you receive a return on investment for each animal.
- Gains – Record height, weight, and body condition scores for all animals – analyze growth rates at an individual or group level and see how you’re improving generation over generation.
- Animal quarantine – Segregating animals from the rest of the herd is important for disease control. Keep track of when these animals enter a hospital location and criteria necessary to allow their release.
- Hoof check – Collaborate with your hoof trimmer as you do with the veterinarian. Schedule the reason for a hoof check and the hoof trimmer can record the result (diagnosis) and document remarks (hooves, zones, severity).
- Health check – Enter diagnosis and treatment for an animal, document each detail and assign a cost to each of the actions taken and use the information gathered to make analysis and act preventively.
- Calving – Track factors, such as ease and caregiver, affecting calving. Compare recorded data against performance throughout her lactation.
- Sync action – create sync protocols, always be on time using the calendar and track costs and efficiency through reporting.
- Insemination – Identify the determining reason for inseminating an animal. Record heat details alongside an insemination event. Investigate the efficiency of your reproductive program with these extra insights.
- Reproductive health check – Veterinarians diagnose much more than pregnancy status during their scheduled visits. Record cystic ovaries, insemination recommendations, and ultra sound results, attributable to the veterinarian doing the examination.
Collaborate with all team members on marking animals eligible for culling. Prioritize the running list based on metrics for profitability, health, or genetic markers. Animals with the worst stats can be removed from the herd via Animal Exits.
Holding pens
Create virtual groups of animals. Animals added to a holding pen can be bulk recorded in events. Commonalities between the animals can create custom cohorts for reporting or comparison of animal data.
Protocols are standard operating procedures unique to a dairy farm. Each protocol is comprised of event templates and a specified time interval between each. Build protocols visually without complicated codes or commands. Start protocol runs from animal lists, other event recordings, or automatically using triggers. Once started, track and manage your protocols easily in Farmeron’s calendar.
- Grass2Milk
Grass2Milk helps dairy farmers make informed decisions about the feed requirements of their stock. This app allows you to instantly see whether you are feeding your dairy herd enough to reach daily milk and body condition score targets, and helps you plan your feed allocation for the day.
Developed by OneFarm, and based on the customized work of Dr Ian Brookes, Massey University, this app can be used every day as an assurance that stock energy (ME) requirements are being met given their current lactation, pregnancy and the time of season.
How it works
- You enter information about your herd, such as the number of cows, breed, age, and condition score.
- The App predicts the average cow’s daily ME requirements.
- You then enter the daily feed – that is what pasture, crops or supplements that you are feeding the herd.
- The App calculates the total ME intake and compares it to the ME requirements.
Features and Highlights
- You can customize each parameter, giving you complete control and ensuring that the results are specific to your herd and your farm.
- Once the parameters are entered it can be used to find out how much to feed on a daily basis.
- Assists in identifying what the actual daily energy requirement of your herd is (energy is the most limiting component of grass fed cows).
- Allows ‘what if’ questions to be asked, so can help you identify what your options are if you have insufficient pasture.
- You can also use it to assist with the nutritional requirements of dry cows.
- Once the app is downloaded you have complete freedom; no signal, no problem, the app will still work.
- Simple to use, with large buttons, and an easy to read screen.
The paddock measurement features:
- The built in GPS mapping feature enables pinpointing of farm paddocks, enhancing the accuracy of the daily intake input and the overall usability of Grass2Milk.
- Instead of relying on historic farm maps and potentially out of date records of your farm area, this feature gives users the ability to determine the hectares of any paddock or piece of land using mobile connectivity (wi-fi or mobile broadband).
- Provides the user with the functionality to determine the hectares of a smaller undefined area such as a new grass break.
- Once pinpointed using easy to map pin-drops via the touch-screen on your device, the paddock area is saved into the app memory and can be adjusted when needed.
The apps in this category give you global and local agriculture, farming and agribusiness industry news and information.
- AgWeb
This app lets you get the latest agribusiness news and advice, agricultural management news, farm business blogs and articles from a trusted source: AGWEB.com
It features markets, news and weather news and information. You can also sign up to get free market quotes from Commodity Update, listen to top industry radio shows, including “AgriTalk” and “Market Rally,” and more. Customizable content makes for a truly interactive experience, as you can prioritize news categories and select from several types of weather maps, including radar, satellite and temperature.
- Grower’s Edge
The Growers Edge App provides farmers the ability to easily obtain local, personalized information that is crucial to the success of their farming operation.
With this app, you get access to Local Cash Bids, Corn Prices, Best Cash Bid, Soybean Prices, Markets, Market Commentary, Pinpointed Weather, Agricultural News and more
Growers Edge users can also receive local market commentary and agriculture news, compare risk management options and fully utilize the Profit Manager tool to establish profit goals, edit input costs, record marketing transactions and track profit by crop and year.
Growers Edge pulls all of the information that's important to you and organizes it into one easy to use app.
20. Agriland.ie News
This app from Agriland.ie, Ireland's largest farming news portal, is a very good source for all farming and agricultural news, commentary and technical farm content. All content including the app is free, with no restrictions on usage or article limits.
With new farming and agricultural content published daily, seven days a week, 365 days a year, this app will keep you up to date with all the latest happenings from Ireland, Northern Ireland, UK and beyond.
Whether you are a full-time farmer or a part-time farmer or involved in the agribusiness industry this is a must have app.
Farming Sectors covered by the app include:
Dairy Farming
Beef Farming
Tillage Farming
Sheep Farming
Grass Management
Northern Ireland Farming
EU Farm News and Agricultural News and Analysis
Farm Ireland and more.
- Farm Futures.
From the makers of Farm Futures magazine, this app provides a no-nonsense, quick-hit look at the day’s top industry headlines, commentary, futures quotes and audio podcasts.
This enhanced mobile presentation of the leading management-oriented farm magazine features enhanced user-customized markets, market commentary, news and audio updated every business day.
- Agcareers Job
AgCareers.com is the leading agriculture-specific career portal for job seekers. Job seekers are provided free access to job boards to search over 4,000 active jobs at any given time throughout the USA & Canada. The AgCareers.com Jobs universal app allows you to search, save, share, and apply to the 'hottest' careers in the agricultural industry from your mobile device.
Features and Highlights
- Search the most recent job postings on AgCareers.com and apply
- Save jobs to your AgCareers.com Account to apply later
- Track your search history
- Email jobs to your friends
- Apply to jobs using different versions of your resume and cover letter
- See a history of when you applied to your saved jobs
- Connect to AgCareers.com social media outlets
- CHS Grain Trading
CHS Grain Trading mobile application is an easy and simple solution for producers to receive the price for the grain they work hard to grow. With the functionality of the DTN Portal now available in a mobile application, you will be able to make, manage, & monitor your offers to sell directly into your preferred CHS location.
Features and Highlights
- View updating cash bids anytime
- Create Cash Sale Offers 24/7
- Monitor updating prices when futures markets are trading
- Update your target price any time
- View Contracts traded on DTN Portal
This mobile application is powered by DTN and will sync with your online CHS Portal account.
- Farming’s Future
The "Farming’s Future" App by Bayer CropScience presents solutions for a better life through sustainable agriculture. Journalistic, interactive Multimedia-Stories give answers to the pressing questions of our time. They explain how the world’s population can be supplied with sufficient food, what makes agriculture more environmentally compatible and how farmers can optimize the yields of their fields.
This app helps you take a world tour of small farmers as well as large agricultural enterprises and gain insights into the food production chain from seed to shelf.
- The Farming Forum
The Farming Forum is an informal, friendly discussion group for talking about anything to do with agriculture & related industries. Registration is free and there is a wealth of knowledge available.
This app allows you go get full access to the discussion forum from a mobile device, with an intuitive interface designed to work over a mobile internet connection.
- Profi—Farm Machinery Magazine
Profi – The Professional Farm Machinery Magazine app comes with 20 years of independent analysis. They publish the farming industry’s most detailed, independent tractor and machinery tests for professional farmers, contractors, agricultural machinery dealers and industry leaders. Their expert knowledge helps readers with machinery buying decisions and provides advice on its operation, maintenance and repair.
With this app, you will find all contents of the printed Profi issue with enlarged pictures and graphics, additional picture galleries, videos of tests and driving impressions as well as panorama pictures from the seat of the tested tractors.
The apps in this category provide information and services for plants and crop farming.
- FarmLogs
This app is used by thousands of farmers to improve their yields and lower costs. The FarmLogs app helps you:
- Pinpoint in-season yield threats with notifications
- Track field activities automatically
- View specific soil maps so you know where to apply nutrients
- Monitor rainfall on your fields (no special rain gauges required)
- See crop heat accumulation and how it compares to prior years
- See where your fields perform best year over year with yield maps
- Plan inputs for the season
- View the growth stage of your corn
FarmLogs gives you actionable information without data overload.
- Pioneer Field 360 Note
The Pioneer® Field360™ Tools app comes with three powerful calculators that help growers make decisions on the go. The app features a powerful Growing Degree Unit (GDU) calculator, as well as Precipitation Estimator and Growth Stage Estimator to monitor and estimate crop development through each year.
Pioneer Field360 Tools app includes easy to use features such as one-time input of location, start date and relative maturity (CRM). This allows you to easily navigate between the calculators without re-entering data.
This app combines analysis tools and real-time data, at your fingertips. Track multiple field scenarios including:
•Calculate Growing Degree Units with the GDU calculator
•Precipitation with forecasts and daily precipitation
•Crop progress with the Growth Stage Estimator
- iSOYLscout
iSOYLscout is a field scouting app for iPhones and iPads which enables growers, or anyone else helping to manage the business, to log features and problems on the land while they are actually in the field. The app makes the recording, monitoring and review of in-field problems and variations much easier for farmers. Simply record areas or points of interest either by hand, or whilst on the move on foot or in a vehicle using the inbuilt GPS.
The app can be used to record crop performance, weed infestations as well as any other feature you want to locate across the farm. It can be used in any number of situations to log and record information around the farm. For example, growers could open the app and note patches of black-grass to refer back to when making spraying plans, or log the location of natural features such as trees or ponds which will help when creating crop protection application plans perhaps months or even years later.
Each logged feature provides an instant area measurement. Points of interest are recorded with a text label such as ‘Broad weed’. Notes and/or a photo can also be added to the point.
iSOYLscout is fully integrated into SOYL’s online data portal MySOYL and transfers the information recorded quickly and easily via the cloud for later scrutiny and monitoring. Upload to mySoyl requires a valid subscription.
iSOYLscout files can also be uploaded to OneDrive, or Dropbox allowing your scouted data to be wirelessly and efficiently transferred between field and office. The app is free to download but cloud data connection is subject to an annual in-app purchase.
- Yara ImageIT
Yara ImageIT is a farming app designed to measure nitrogen uptake in a crop and generate a nitrogen recommendation based on photographs of the crop. The app turns farmers’ smartphone cameras into a high-tech crop nutrient tester. ImageIT calculates nitrogen uptake based on leaf cover, leaf green color and estimated fraction of brown leaves. Besides showing you how much nitrogen to apply to obtain optimal yield and crop quality, ImageIT provides quality assured fertilizer recommendations with Yara preferred product and contact information of the closest Yara office.
- ID Weeds
ID Weeds (produced by the University of Missouri's College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources' Division of Plant Science) allows you to search for weeds by their common or Latin name, view a list of weeds, or identify weeds based upon a number of different characteristics. Details about each weed are presented, along with photograph(s) of the weed specified.
- Yara CheckIT
Yara CheckIT app gives farmers a photographic library of crops to allow a simple and fast identification of possible nutrient deficiency. Once the cause of the deficiency is established, the app gives further information on how the deficiency affects that crop, what soil types are prone to this type of deficiency and what factors will make a deficiency worse. CheckIT also provides a fertilizer recommendation to treat the identified deficiency, as well as alternative products which allow preventing treatment for the following growing season.
The application is customized and localized on a market by market basis, for the crops and language specific to the target country. CheckIT is designed to operate in rural locations with low signal strength. This enables farmers to have an on-the-spot, on-demand field analysis and recommendation for a crop deficiency in order to improve crop quality and increase yield. Users can reference photos of deficiencies in high definition, filter them by symptoms, the location of the symptom on the crop, or by the suspected cause of the symptom. CheckIT can also use mobile location services to provide contact information for the nearest Yara office.
- Yara Pure Nutrient
Yara Pure Nutrient app provides sound information on key aspects of mineral nitrogen fertilization. It aims at returning mineral fertilizers to their rightful place as a “pure nutrient”, offering the required precision, efficiency and reliability to meet both the agronomic and environmental imperatives of sustainable agriculture.
This app compares the advantages and benefits of specific fertilizer types such as nitrates and urea and explains techniques for optimizing crop yield while improving environmental compatibility and cost. It provides a wealth of information on related aspects and is a must for farmers and all those interested in the agronomic, economic and ecological aspects of farming and fertilization. It is updated regularly with new topics.
- Mix Tank
Mix Tank, from Precision Laboratories, is designed to assist agricultural applicators with the proper tank mixing sequence of crop protection products. Mix Tank also captures product use rates and application information with Mix Sheets and conveniently maintains accurate Spray Logs for easy record keeping.
Following the proper mixing sequence helps users prevent product incompatibilities and can save applicators time and money by avoiding product loss and sprayer cleanout problems.
The available Weather Integration feature within the Spray Log helps applicators manage spray drift risk by displaying weather information, including wind speed and direction, prior to spraying. Weather Integration also stores conditions at the time of application within the spray log, assisting with documentation and compliance.
Features and Highlights
•Mix Guide: receive a recommended mixing order based on the products selected
•Mix Sheets: enter field size, spray volume, tank size and product use rates and receive rate per acre, per tank and per field for accurate documentation and compliance. Easily share to integrate with existing records.
•Spray Logs: stopwatch and notifications (every 60 minutes) allow you to conveniently record GPS location, time spent spraying and weather details. A notes section also allows for additional record keeping
•Weather Integration: provides wind speed and direction, temperature and conditions integrated with Spray Logs, helping reduce spray drift risks by capturing weather conditions prior to spraying (in-app purchase)
•Mixing Precautions: alerts users of potential tank mixing issues.
•My Favorites: select your most-used products for easy access
•Enhanced Sharing: email, Facebook and Twitter
Included is a database of over 1,300 crop protection products from over 17 manufacturers. Mixing orders can contain up to 19 products from the following categories:
•Herbicides (includes PGRs and Defoliants)
•Fungicides (includes Bactericides)
•Insecticides (includes Miticides and IGRs)
•Foliar Nutrition
- GSI ROI Calculator
No matter how high yields are, grain prices at harvest are no guarantee. Uncertain weather and market volatility can also increase the risk. Growers who are looking to manage these uncertainties and capitalize on market opportunities can depend on GSI for onsite grain storage that will grow and expand with them.
The GSI ROI Calculator app allows you to see how much more you can earn with on-farm grain storage solutions from GSI.
Start by selecting a crop and entering the number of acres and anticipated yield. Then enter your harvest time price and the anticipated future sale price to see your GSI difference.
You also have the option to compare your elevator storage revenue potential to your GSI on-farm stored revenue Potential. The profitability of storage is influenced by many variables including market conditions, storage location, and cost of storage at the elevator.
Once you know how much more you can earn storing grain on-farm, find the storage solution to fit your needs.
- Crop Water
The Crop Water App (developed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln) provides an easy way to estimate soil water status based on Watermark sensors installed at depths of 1, 2, and 3 feet. With these sensor readings, the Crop Water app will estimate the water used as well as what is still available for [Nebraska] soils. You can also see historic sensor readings and graph.
The apps in this category are designed to help you manage your farming operations efficiently and effectively.
- Agrivi
Agrivi mobile application lets farmers get fast insight into their farming activities and register key activities right from the field. It is used as an extension and supporting feature to Agrivi’s featured web farm management solution.
Agrivi farm management software helps farmers to take control over their plantations, improve productivity and increase profitability. Based on agricultural knowledge base of best-practice production processes for over 80 crops, Agrivi guides farmers to improve their production and increase productivity.
Features and Highlights
Farm Management
Agrivi farm management lets you plan, monitor and analyze all activities on your farms easily. Tillage, planting, crop protection, fertilization, irrigation, harvesting and all other activities are managed with a few clicks. Plus, you can track input usage quantities, costs and work hours for every activity.
Weather Monitoring & Pest Detection
You get instant overview of 7-day weather forecast or 3-year history for every field. Advanced pest and disease detection algorithms alarm farmers if there is a risk of pests or diseases on their fields. Late crop protection claims 37% of yields worldwide every year. Apply on-time protection with the help of advanced pest and disease risk detection.
Farm Economics
Keep farm financial records and documents on a single place. Track sales, expenses and capital investments and allocate them to each crop production. Due date alarms allow you not to miss your payments because they remind you when there are incoming and outgoing payments expected.
Resources & Inventory
Central registry for employees, seasonal workers, machinery and fields lets you keep control over your resources. Real-time inventory status per warehouses and bins lets you avoid low inventory bottlenecks and keeps your operations running smoothly.
Growing Analytics & Reports
Identify why some crops grow better on some fields, find out exact cost per kg for every variety per field and identify ROI for every crop production. Built-in reports let you get all important data in PDF, Excel or Word formats. Whether you want to print weekly tasks for every person, prepare legislative reports or just analyze your performance, you can get all reports with a single click.
- ScoutDoc
ScoutDoc is an easy to use field scouting app for farmers and professional crop agronomists. This app allows users to document and save field information collected when scouting or inspecting field crops.
ScoutDoc Cloud enhances the ScoutDoc app experience by adding a cloud-based storage solution that allows you to archive your ScoutDoc data and reports
- Sync existing files from your iPad to ScoutDoc Cloud. This enables access from a computer and allows easy file storage, organization and search capability
- Export scouting data in CSV format (Excel compatible) to enable valuable data analysis and integration with other software resources
- Share documents with others easily and quickly. Review field and client history from iPad or computer
- Add your own company logo to reports
- Create lists of weeds, insects, diseases, growers, fields and farms, in order to prepopulate the ScoutDoc app with this information
Some of the key benefits of ScoutDoc:
- It improves scouting efficiency and reduces paperwork; no more paper field scouting forms and clipboards.
- It allows the user to share scouting information with others immediately through email.
- It allows the user to save scouting information electronically, in order to easily review or update information and also tracking a series of site visits.
- It allows farmers and agronomists to keep accurate information field crop conditions throughout the growing season.
Features and Highlights
- Simple and easy to use for farmers and crop agronomists
- Input crop and field identification details, document weeds/diseases/insects in the field including type and pressure
- Field map section allows the user to draw a representative map of each field they are scouting on the iPad
- Images of Field maps can also be imported for use.
- Text areas allow the user to add information, comments and action plans for each location and crop issue.
- Each scouting record can be saved as a PDF file or a ScoutDoc file (.sdr) then stored on the device, shared by email and/or reloaded for future updates.
AgDNA® is a powerful mobile farming platform. AgDNA features include farm planning, record keeping, boundary mapping, worked area mapping, live equipment tracking, scouting observations, communication tools, data sharing and more.
All data is synchronized with your free online AgDNA account allowing activity records and setup details to be viewed from a web browser or any other AgDNA enabled device. The app also operates offline and synchronizes all data automatically when an online connection is available.
AgDNA also offers "ad-ons" so you can connect with participating manufacturers and service providers to view all your critical farming data on your iPhone or iPad. So whether you're a farmer, agronomist or contractor AgDNA has you covered.
AgDNA Features and Highlights:
- Easily map field boundaries and calculate total field area
- Pre-plan upcoming season activities and share with others
- Use GPS to map machinery movements through the field
- View third-party remote sensing, telemetry and precision agriculture spatial data
- Track machinery live and see vehicle location, speed and progress
- Share field scouting observations and images automatically
- Link others to your account so all activities are saved in one location
Affordable monthly or annual subscriptions can be purchased from within the app to increase the number of records you can save each month. You can extend your subscription even further by topping up your account with Record Packs during busy periods.
- Farm At Hand
Farm At Hand is a complete farm management app. It is a free, cloud-based farm app that allows you to manage your entire farming operation from seed to sale, anytime, anywhere via your computer, tablet or smartphone. It is easy to use and intuitive.
Features and Highlights
Keep your farm at your fingertips
Farm At Hand keeps you organized, efficient and productive all year long by capturing key field data. Track all field activities like planting, spraying, scouting, harvesting and more using your smartphone, tablet devices or computer. Automatically download reports (Fields, Planting, Spraying) for crop insurance, agronomists and market consultants in a breeze.
Serial, model and part numbers at a glance; maintenance dates, hours and mileage when you need them
No more forgetting serial or part numbers at the counter. Keep detailed records of your equipment – model, serial number, purchase price etc.– as well as maintenance records and all part numbers in one place. If you ever want to re-sell your equipment, these historical records will come in handy.
Markets change, get the most for your inventory with on hand amounts at your fingertips
Enter the location, capacity and commodities for each bin yard or grain bag in a snap. Keep a tab on your input purchases, including your seed, chemical and fertilizer. Make year-end a snap with quick reports of all on hand inventory.
Your data is your data, and it's not for sale
Any information you enter into their system belongs to you. They do not sell or share users' data. You are always in control of your data and how you want to share it with the people you work with
- Trimble Ag Mobile
Trimble Ag Mobile drives productivity, profitability and sustainability for farmers and agribusinesses around the world. It’s an online and mobile-enabled farm data management platform that is transforming the way agriculture professionals work.
This app allows you to turn your phone into a powerful farm management tool. This mobile farming app works on both Apple iOS and Android devices.
Key features of Trimble Ag Mobile include:
Crop Planning
From input purchase lists to budgets to fertility, Trimble’s planning tools will help you strategize for the best possible crop season. Some of these include:
- Fertility planning
- Crop planning
- Budgeting
- Precision prescriptions
Field Record Keeping
You can manage all field records easily from any mobile device or your desktop computer and create easy-to-print field task reports to stay organized.
Most field activities are automatically generated from your precision farming data or the mobile app. Some of the key reports that you’ll find include:
- Seed varieties
- Tank mixes
- Restricted-use pesticides
- Fertilizer usage
- Equipment maintenance
- Harvest data
- Grain storage tracking
Precision Ag Mapping & Tools
You can import yield, soil type, soil test results and other key data layers to assist in creating simple variable rate prescription maps for seed, crop protection or fertilizer applications. Precision farming maps can also flow into your field record keeping for a complete farm management software solution. Additional precision agriculture tools include:
- NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)
- Variable rate prescriptions
- Irrigation tracking
- Imagery support
Hardware Integration
As a supplier of both agriculture software and hardware tools, Trimble products are a ‘natural fit’ and integration is streamlined and efficient. Guidance lines can be stored directly in the software for use with Trimble guidance products that provide the high level of accuracy users’ demand. Variable rate prescriptions and as-applied maps move wirelessly between Trimble Ag Software and your Trimble display for increased efficiency and productivity.
Financial Tools
With tools that compare your actual expenses to your planned budgets, farm financial statements and cost per unit of production, they support your profitability. Trimble software can take your data and yield maps and create Profit Maps that provide you with the financial results of your year field by field — allowing you to see where you want to make changes as you improve year after year.
- AgLogic Mobile
John Deere AgLogic™ mobile app is designed to connect with the AgLogic website to provide a complete logistics solution that is customized but not limited to the spraying and application industry.
AgLogic™ combines GPS, cellular technology and Web-based software, to help you manage and improve the productivity of your assets and fleet. This compatible Web-based system provides a simple visual representation of your operational activities and offers scheduling and routing capabilities, wireless file transfer, and the ability to run in-season, real-time reports — all so you can make the best decisions for your business.
It can be leveraged to meet other logistics needs in your operation. The mobile app provides operators with all the tools to:
- View work orders in priority order to be completed
- Get driving directions directly to the field eliminating wasted time
- View field Boundary and field location
- View DriftWatch® Sensitive crop location and detailed info
- View location of tender truck
- Wirelessly transfer prescription files to/from the operator
- Electronically complete a work order
- Add/Edit products and quantities
- AgVault 2.0 Mobile
AgVault Mobile is a premier ground-based crop scouting and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Drones) autonomous-flight tool. Take a picture with AgVault Mobile and it automatically syncs with your desktop, sorted by location, time and type.
You can use AgVault Mobile to keep track of crop growth stages, storm damage, pest infestation, weed types, farm equipment and more. Photos from the app are stored alongside your aerial data and can be shared and exported just the same. AgVault Mobile lets you track everything happening on your land and easily compare it to previous years.
AgVault Mobile also allows you to easily fly any DJI Phantom 4, Phantom 3, or Inspire UAV, taking any guesswork out of flying the drone. The solution provides the agriculture industry with an affordable, end-to-end NDVI solution. AgVault Mobile allows farmers to highlight a field, autonomously fly agriculture drones, capture precise imagery, manage data, produce QuickTile™ maps, and deliver data to a piece of equipment, all at the field edge.
- AgriSync
AgriSync enables farmers and advisors to connect and resolve support issues on the farm. Farmers can connect with multiple advisors from different companies to submit and receive support in real-time via video. Advisors can manage multiple famer service tickets through a dashboard and remote video that allows them to see what the farmer sees in real-time. A Web-based customer service dashboard allows the advisor's organization to see open cases, resolution status and farmer feedback in real-time.
How it Works
- Advisors sign up and download the app in five minutes or less.
- Invite company team members to join AgriSync from the mobile app or web dashboard.
- Invite your farmer customers to use AgriSync before they need to request your help.
- A farmer requests help from his local, trusted advisor by submitting a ticket with an issue description attaching any text, images and videos.
- The advisor receives a text alert about an issue that needs resolving
- When the advisor is ready to connect via live chat, the advisor has control of the call and will start the live conversation. Advisors see exactly what the farmer is seeing by controlling the camera. Capture images within the live call that can be automatically added to ticket details for a later reference.
- After the conversation is complete, you will end the call and provide feedback about the quality of the call. Farmers provide feedback about the quality of service received from advisors and advisors have the ability to mark the call as “flagged” for further attention or “billable” and will receive instant feedback about your customer service interaction.
- Check out the web dashboard at any time to download all customer service data that has been tracked.
- AGSentry
AGSentry is a comprehensive solution designed to solve two primary problems associated with improving sales productivity for retailers and dealers.
- Empower Your Team With Smart Analysis
- AGSentry app highlights critical trends and indicators that are easy to understand and put into immediate action.
- AGSentry app improves sales focus, enhances customer retention, aligns marketing and sales shared goals.
- Even if you have just a few months to sell seeds, AGSentry tool provides your team with clear, measurable and forward looking sales goals.
- Customization is also available
- Improve Data Governance Service With Efficiency And Accuracy
- AGSentry data service delivers accurate and reliable data which are ‘must-haves’ for a successful tool.
- AGSentry data service enables you to take advantage of their Ag data expertise with cleansing, mining, and integrating data across silos and get your team online quickly.
- Resolve common barriers with sales data and workflow.
Not taking advantage of the immense benefits and efficiencies that software and artificial intelligence brings to agriculture and farming would be a very unwise decision.
This collection of apps can significantly improve your farming and agribusiness practice. Make sure you’ve the ones that best suits your agribusiness needs installed on your device(s) today.
Blog Image Credit: Marketing Land
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