Pork Meat History
July 31, 2016, 7:10 am
Pork (pig meat) is one of the most produced animal meat in the world.
Pork Meat History
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 38% of the meat protein consumed in the world is pork. Pork is the most abundantly produced and consumed animal meat in the world.
The Rise of Pork Meat
In the 1950s when world population was about 4 billion, the governments of the developed world looked at the rate of population growth and the food requirements needed to keep pace with it. They forecasted that by 2015 the world population would have grown to 7 billion. They also forecasted that they will be more mouths to feed by then, especially in term of animal protein.
A study was conducted to find an animal which could produce enough meat to match the expected population increase. The scientists and researchers in charge of this study settled on the choice of pigs
Why Pork Meat
A pig can give birth to 6 to 12 piglets at once while being pregnant for only 4 months. This means that one pig can conceive twice in one year and give birth to 12 to 24 piglets. It also takes just 6 to 8 months for a pig to mature and reach market weight. So, if a pig get pregnant in January and gives birth in May, by December the piglets will be ready for either sales or consumption. These reproductive and growth statistics of pigs is what lead to the focus on pig farming and the increased consumption of pork meat all over the world.
Benefits of Pork Meat
While some cultures forbid the eating of pork, there are some well-known scientific benefits of pork. These benefits are:
The vitamin B1in pork is in high quantity. Vitamin B1 is vital for growth and repair of muscles and nerve tissues, useful for carbohydrates metabolism as well.
The presence of vitamin Riboflavin helps in maintaining skin and health problems. It repairs damaged tissues and extracts energy from food.
Vitamin B6 present in pork meat helps in metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and keeps proper functioning of the nervous system.
Pork meat helps in producing red blood cells in the body.
Iron in pork enhances production of energy and iron from meat is easily absorbed by the body, making it very good for pregnant women.
The meat helps keep bones in good shape and builds strong bones, teeth and keeps a check on the body energy levels.
Zinc present in pork boosts the immune system and improves body resistance against numerous diseases.
Pork is a good source of protein and amino acids as is vital for people interested in body building.
It is good for skin, eyes, nervous system, bones and mental performance. Intake of Pork also ensures better immunity to body due to presence of essential antioxidant
Pork has high thiamine content which helps improve the brain functions and capability. It helps to improve the intellectual capacity of children and to fight degenerative diseases like Parkinson and Alzheimer in old people
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