6 Things You Can Learn From Bill Gates And Mark Cuban
June 26, 2017, 3:58 pm
Bill Gates didn’t wake up with a career opportunity laying on the bed by his side, he worked hard to pursue a career that he was interested in.
Same is the situation with every entrepreneur that has ever been in the news. Entrepreneurs are regular people.
However, they do some things differently and possess a set of characteristics that make them successful. Not every entrepreneur had to drop out of college to follow their dreams.
We all have seen Mark Cuban in the news. Have you ever wondered what makes Mark Cuban successful? Do you know his secret formula to success?
Well, the truth is that there is no secret formula or ingredient to success. It is the will, the motivation, and the focus that all of the famous entrepreneurs have.
1. They are passionate about their dreams and ideas
As children, we always had a new toy that we wanted to buy and when our parents refused, we used to find other ways to get it or to convince them. That’s how things work. When we are fond of something or have an idea, we work hard to achieve it.
Entrepreneurs like Bill Gates set their minds towards one thing and that is their passion. Bill Gates was passionate about computer systems and programming. So, he took out time from his studies to understand the machine. He did not sit idle and wait for an opportunity to come.
Many of us that want to become entrepreneurs and start our own business wait for a pre-made opportunity to land in our laps. However, this is not the case with successful businessmen and entrepreneurs. If we wait for things to go our way, we would be waiting our whole lives.
Of course the ideas you have in your mind are realistic and look interesting. However, do you know how to turn them into reality? Do you have the strength to go ahead of yourself to work for your dream? Can you give all that you have to create a career out of it?
That’s the question that matters and if the answer to these questions is ‘yes’ then you are all set to achieve what successful entrepreneurs have.
2. They don’t feel forced
Did someone force Mark Cuban into investing in so many businesses? Did anyone pressurize Bill Gates to break the computer codes? No, successful entrepreneurs are never compelled to do anything. They do what they love and put in every bit of effort to make it happen.
It is the desire, the desperation that makes us want to do something. Bill Gates had a desire to create computer software and that’s the reason he mangled with codes and created a game. When you are passionate about something, you will give 100% to invest your time and efforts into it. However, if you feel like you are being pushed, compelled, or forced into something then it is not the thing that you love.
Entrepreneurs are head over heels in love with their dream and idea. They don’t feel bored or forced for a second.
3. They don’t create un-realistic plans
Great entrepreneurs like Bill Gates did not make irrational choices. They always have back-up plans and their every move is well calculated. Mark Cuban didn’t leave his other businesses to invest in a stadium. He managed everything and made time for his new investment and passion.
The idea is to find opportunities in everything that you do. Even if you are working at a firm, think of things that the business lacks. Think of creative and realistic ideas that would work. Know when an idea is bad. This is what Bill Gates did when he saw that Microsoft is better off without MITS and ended his partnership with it.
4. They do not take the short route
Successful entrepreneurs are serious about their passion and this is what makes them give their best. Bill Gates belonged to an upper-middle class and if he could he would’ve asked his parents to get him a workplace.
However, he did not make things easy for himself. He rose and he tried on his own. He put in his efforts and challenged himself to achieve what he dreamt of.
Great businessmen aren’t afraid of taking risks. The entrepreneurs that dropped out of college took a gamble but they did not choose the easy road to run after their dream but they gave up a lot.
5. They do not think about winning or losing
When we start something, we always weigh the pros and cons. However, when it comes to true entrepreneurs, they never think about winning or losing, they just think about their passion. They strive to give their best to make their idea work instead of giving up on one failure.
Being scared of failure often de-motivates a person. Don’t ask what if I fail. Instead, ask what if I create something better than before? Failure is temporary. With passion and commitment, anyone can make things work in their favor. The key is to keep trying and stay firm on your ideas.
Mark Cuban is often criticized for what he does but did he make criticism the excuse for anything? He believes in rising above and leaving behind the negativity and that’s exactly what every entrepreneur should do.
6. They believe in themselves and their ideas
What if Bill Gates abandoned his passion for programming and software? What if he gave up after a single failure? Would he be able to achieve that fame and success? Would he then be recognized throughout the world?
Successful people have an unusual sense of belief and trust in themselves. They do not feel discouraged and give their best to make their ideas work. Having faith in yourself is the key to success. If you didn’t believe that you would pass High School, would you ever try to study? So, when a person believes that he/she can be the best, he/she tries until they succeed.
One cannot copy Bill Gates and Mark Cuban. However, what we can do is pick out their entrepreneurial traits and implement them to our own plans, dreams, and ideas.
Check out our entrepreneurship page for more tips and resources.
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